6:00-9:00 PM
Buffet dinner at Nye Park Tavern
1672 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14207
4:00 PM: Susan Daniels '88 has invited our class to the 4:00 PM Mass before the dinner. She says that the church was remodeled 15 years ago.
5:00 PM: After Mass, before dinner, all are invited for a FREE school tour to be given by two of the current students who are the daughters of Susan Daniels '88 and the nieces of Hank Reiser '73. If you have wondered what the place looks like after all these years, here's your chance to find out! We will meet at the front doors of the Donovan Center, at the far end of the parking lot from the church. Susan says Mass ends by 4:50 PM, so parking should be no problem. You must be on time for the tour or you will be locked out of the building. We will try not to start the tour before all those who have registered have appeared, but any who have NOT registered are still welcome to attend.
This reunion stems directly from a Facebook group I created for our class and the desire that was expressed by many to get together. We have not had a reunion since our 15-year reunion in 1988, so we have mostly skipped over the years when most people would have had a need for a baby sitter.
Classmates are encouraged to bring their spouses or other significant others. We want to meet who is important in your life and it will make for more interesting conversation. It will also increase head-count, to assure that the dinner will actually happen. If we get enough people, the tavern will be closed to the public for the night and we will have the place to ourselves for the party.
Please respond and send in your checks ASAP, since this reunion was conceived and arranged pretty much last minute. We need to be sure we have critical mass for the dinner, so please do not wait - please do it immediately while you are reading this. The link to the response form is near the bottom of this page. A big Thank You to those of you who have already responded!
The following are the ad hoc committee, all of whose contributions were critical to making this happen: Mark Trautman '73, Lynn Larson-Dejac '73, Susan Daniels '88, Hank Reiser '73, Ed Hans (St. Andrew's Business Manager), and Norm Dudziak '73 (chair).
In gratitude for St. Andrew's being an active partner in this reunion, we are using this opportunity to raise funds for the school. Your optional donations will nominally support a student for $19/day or for $95/week. These amounts are based on the parishioner tuition rate of $3,390 divided by the number of instruction days (approx 180), yielding a daily "rate" of $18.83. Now you know what it currently costs, too! This rate does not include direct support the school receives from the church or other donations.
If you itemize donations on Schedule A of your income tax return, you may write a separate donation check if you wish. If you want St. Andrew's to send you a receipt letter for your tax-deductible donation, please so indicate on your registration form. If none of that matters to you, you can lump your donation of any amount into your dinner payment check. Checks can be made out to "St. Andrew's School" or just "St. Andrew's".
If do not want your donation amount known to anyone who does not have an absolute need to know, or if you want to add St. Andrew's School into your will, you can contact Ed Hans directly by calling the rectory at (716) 873-6716. He can attribute your gift to our class while maintaining your anonymity.
You can get the reunion registration form by clicking HERE or on the icon at right. RSVP by mailing the completed form with your check(s) to the rectory at the address on the form. The form is a fillable pdf document, except for the question about whether you want a donation receipt - if no answer, you will not receive a receipt. Feel free to fill out the whole form by hand, if that is your preference.
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